My school friend, on the other hand, Ernesto, is an absolute beast at photojournalism. He is currently a photojournalist for Boston’s own Bay State Banner, while also attending SMFA. I guess you could say that he really someone that pushes me out of my comfort zone when it comes to photography. Whether it’s shooting weddings, workers’ unions, or even President Obama, Ernesto made me think, “maybe I can do something like that.”
Gaining courage over the last semester, a few weeks ago I found an event that truly spoke to me, and decided that it was time to try out photojournalism. Without telling anyone (in fear of judgment) I grabbed my camera one cloudy Saturday, and headed out to the Common. My heart racing in my chest as I arrived, I saw a large cluster of women (and men, but mostly women) holding up signs and chanting. I knew I was in the right place at the right time, and suddenly it’s was not longer scary – but exhilarating.
I approached the line and scooted in, I yelled to the girl next to me, “I guess I found the Walk for Choice, right?” She smiled, nodded, and continued to chant. Next thing I knew, we were standing in front of the State House.

The “Walk for Choice” was/is a nation-wide event, supporting women’s’ rights. A newly declared bill by Ohio representative John Boehner wants to take away millions of dollars to organizations that provide family health plans, medical screenings, and medical prescriptions. Think Planned Parenthood, mostly – an organization that would be useless without government funding. Although I don’t want to get into the specifics of my views, as a woman I personally found it appalling that such restrictions were being made. I have never had to use Planned Parenthood, but I’m positive that women just like me have, and for that, I fought for their rights on this day.

And through my photography it showed. I wanted to capture the emotion of the protesters, and how determined they were. I wanted to document them – so everyone who wasn’t there could see how much they wanted it. Sure, there were other photographers there – too many! But none of them were also engaged in the chanting, cheering, and the energy, like I was.

I learned a lot that day. My fear of photographing the public is still there, but I’ve learned that as long as I keep at it, that fear will soon subside. It’s something I’ve got to work on, but at least I know I’ve made a positive step forward.