
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Inspiration Thursday #2: Jeff Bark

          This week's inspiration is brought to us by Jeff Bark, a photographer whose quality of light is easily mistaken for painting. He works with subject matter from nudes, to natural landscapes, to the ethereal. What I really love about his work is that have such a dreamy, moody, quality to them that seem impossible to exist naturally.

          Here's some quotes from his interview with the Huffington Post:

"I always thought photography was so easy...if someone else can take the picture than I am not trying hard enough." 

"People have said that it was taking pictures of something they already had in their brains, like a dream, and I was showing them the picture of it..." 

"I used to write to photographers in New York and never heard back from them - now since I've been doing this - almost everyday I get a call from some kid." 

My favorite series of his is called, Abandon.

"It makes you feel a voyeur. If you're in the room by yourself you are totally relaxed, but if someone else was in the room you wouldn't do it, if your boyfriend was in the room, you wouldn't do it...it's about the most intimate time when you are alone, and it's a record of it."

Note: his website could be considered "not safe for work."

How do you feel about his work? Let me know if the comments!

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