
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Inspiration Thursday #1: Timothy Archibald

I decided that a lot of blogs have weekly "theme" posts, so I wanted to start my own. I am constantly being bombarded by artists, (mainly photographers) that people like, or that my work reminds me of such-and-such artist. So starting today, every Thursday will be dubbed "Inspiration Thursday" where I will enlighten my (small, but present) audience to an artist I think you guys will enjoy.

This week: Timothy Archibald
(All images in this post are credit to the artist, and not me whatsoever -- though I wish I had his talent.)

"I’m the photographer agencies call to make empathetic photographs of things that are a little bit different, a little bit curious. Human, humorous and sometimes subversive, these qualities seem to surface in every project we take on.

I was fortunate to discover photography as a teenager. At that time photography was this license to meet people and enter worlds unlike my own. Having the power to enter other cultures different from the suburban world I lived in was a powerful tool for a kid to have.

After leaving school with a degree in Art, I began using this human curiosity to support myself. Editorial photography allowed me to explore the subjects I was fascinated with: learn about them, humanize them, and view them with the full range of human emotions they deserved, in conjunction with a voice that was uniquely my own."

 I am completely compelled by his series called, Echolalia, which depicts portraits of his autistic son throughout the years of his youth. As someone who is very close to someone who is on the autism spectrum (my own brother was diagnosed when he was three) I feel like he captured the distance one feels when dealing with someone with this disorder -- at the same time his photos convey feelings of so much love and compassion for his son. I am simply stunned.

Check out his website which contains more awesome work here
or learn how to buy his photobook, Echolilia, here.

Like it? Hate it? Tell me in the comments below!

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